Embed and Share Overview

Learn how to Embed and Share your videos

Upload Video to Show account. CHECK

Customized the Video. CHECK

What Next? Send it to everyone!


We will tell you all about it here. This section will show you how to use the Embed and Share features.

Ready? Let’s dive right in!


Here’s everything you need to know about getting your videos out to the whole world to watch. We will be talking about the different ways you can use the SHOW app to send your videos to your audience. We have covered all the topics that will help you embark on the next step of your SHOW's VFM journey.

We employ two main features to deliver your videos to everyone: Embedding and Sharing.

Embedding is the technology that helps you to embed, in other words, insert your videos into websites. You can do it in one of the two ways. The first is to insert your video in into the website along with all the other website content and you can play it there itself. This type of embed is called Inline Embed.

The second way to do this is to use the Popover Embed. With this, your video will appear in a popup window and you can play it in there.

You can also share your videos with everyone using Social Media applications like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Whatsapp, etc.

Not a fan of sharing your videos with a wide audience? Fret not! We also have options where you can share your videos privately with a select number of people.

You can check all these options in this section.

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